Faculty & Staff Exhibition

Department of Art & Design

April 16, 2015 - June 7, 2015

Oil on canvas by Liz Di Giorgio titled Spring Tea.


The Art and Design Department at Queensborough Community College is committed to teaching as well as being deeply engaged in art making and research. Being an art professor demands a constant assessment of the ways in which art ideas and techniques are communicated and developed. Sharing this information with students presents the faculty of our department with immense satisfaction, as we become partners and witnesses in a learning and creative process, acting as mentors and catalyst agents for our students educational and artistic growth. Within the pedagogical parameters of excellence that as faculty we have established, each member of our faculty has a distinctive approach to teaching; we believe that this individualistic freedom in the methodology in which we teach our classes is an enormous asset for our students, as they can get many viewpoints and approaches, therefore developing through a critical process their own sense of being in the world and their own path to follow.

Curator: Ken Golden
Co-Curator: A. Coffey
Art and Design Department