Juried Student Exhibition 2021

Department of Art & Design

May 2021

Assemblage (after J Cornell) by Nadya Marin. Medium: Found objects. Size 9 x 11 x 4.5 inches Date 2020

The QCC Department of Art and Design is pleased to present the 2021 Annual Juried Student Exhibition. The collected works represent the talent and year’s labor of our faculty and young artists. It is always with joy, and on occasion unimagined awe, that we witness the creation of complex, eerie, and beautiful work from a diverse group of students learning in multiple disciplines. Participating artists this year are especially commended for their efforts in ad-hoc home studios during the pandemic. An extraordinary amount of resolve and invention was employed. Indeed, limits have been tested and by all appearances, creativity, talent, and dogged skill (on both ends) have won the day. Brava, bravo – you did not falter! So it is with perhaps a little more boast, a bit more steam from the pipe, and a peep from the whistle that we invite you to have a look at this year’s selection.

Curator, A Coffey