Windows of Inspiration

Lisa Chin-Jung Baw

March 11, 2015 - April 9, 2015

Oil on canvas by Lisa Baw titled Becoming One.


As an acknowledged painter and former QCC student, Lisa Chin-Jung Baw displays a selection of her already impressive career as an artist. Her work stands out with youthful expressiveness in its carefully layered colors and bravado brushwork. She delights in her ability to render a world of art with line and color. With her thickly loaded expressionist brush, Lisa Chin-Jung Baw heightens her subject matter colorfully and brings together her appreciation of the history of art.

Her subjects are traditional: still lifes, often with flowers, landscapes, and portraits, that possess a vitality informed by the great artists through whom she is discovering the world, including Monet, van Gogh, Kandinsky, and Matisse.