Elisa Merino C

Elisa Merino C is a multidisciplinary artist, a creator who has been developing an intense artistic activity at the service of a shared, naked and essentialist work. Part of its social environment, its experiences, and its concern for inequalities, violence, claiming to propose new spaces of meetings of reflection. It uses recycled materials formally linked to so-called “poor art” and identifying them in the social environment to which they belong. Different disciplines, with different supports, installation, drawing, video, photography, sculpture, painting, enrich and leave trace of time. His work raises a return to values.

His research work is related to spaces in the anthropological field, mapping, roots and identity, memory, uses audiovisual media, photography, sculpture and painting. In recent years he has elaborated different cartography, emotional, recognition of work or cultural work, creating interactivity, being the viewer himself who makes the map The intervention of the viewer in space is constant generates complicity – creativity and new meanings.

On occasion, the artist has defined the purpose of her work with a phrase: “identity”, memory, present and future. A position as direct as it is complex that, deep down, only confirms the need for art as a catalyst for other ways of seeing, looking and questioning things.

His work has been shown in national and international spaces. Museum of Salamanca, Itinerant individual “Cartography of Silence” organized by S.T. de Cultura Junta de Castilla y Len 2011, Gallery Space in Havana, House of the Americas in Havana Museum of Cusco Peru, Bronx Museum 1st Bronx Biennial, Gallery Alexis New York, United Nations, Manhattan NYC Contemporary Art Space of Ayto de Gand­a, Ducal Palace of the Borgia de Gand­a , Museum, ArtiumDomus2 Salamanca, Project “Women of my People” intervention of working women at the Museum of Guijuelo Salamanca.2011 “Tiras de la memoria” Palacio de la Mosquera” Arenas de San Pedro Avila. National Museum Gonz¡lez Mart­ Valencia. Biennial in Lima. Exhibition celebratingthe Women International Month. “Women in the Arts.” Women in the Arts 2011″. Museum of the Americas Florida, Portrait Project Art Gallery, Brooklyn, New York.Invitation to the Biennale of Quertaro in Mexico.Latin American Biennial of the Bronx 2008-2014History and Memory selected at the Bronx Museum. Installation “Tiras por la Paz” 2011 for Peace in the Bandshell of Central Park in New York. “A Foot of Rooster”, at the David Melul Jewish Museum in Bjar 2012 Participation “Cartography of bronx hip hop” in the 4th Latin American biennial of the Bronx in New York 2014. Cusco Museum (Peru)

Installation of the artist Yayoi kusama in 2014, in the Dual Year Spain-Japan. Current project commemorating V Centenary Birth of Saint Teresa of Jesus, “Exclamations” Teresa de Ahumada