Eunice Yuen, MD, PH.D.,

Dr. Eunice Yuen, MD, PH.D., founder and Director of CHATogether, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at Yale School of Medicine and Yale Child Study Center

Eunice Yuen, MD, PH.D., Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at Yale School of Medicine and Yale Child Study Center and is the founder and director of Yale Compassionate Home, Action Together (CHATogether), a culturally- and family-oriented program using drama vignettes as educational tools to promote emotional wellness in Asian-American children, young adults, and parents.

Dr. Yuen obtained her MD and PhD degrees from the State University of New York at Buffalo and is currently in her final year of an integrated Adult and Child Psychiatry fellowship at Yale Child Study Center. Her clinical and research in children’s mental health covers from basic science on genetics and neurobiology to community-based advocacy, education, and intervention. Prior to residency training, Dr. Yuen research focuses on cellular and molecular mechanisms of emotional stress in synaptic transmission and plasticity.