Note: Some of the images which convey the stark consequences of war, poverty, and oppression in Afghanistan may be disturbing to some viewers.

Note: Some of the images which convey the stark consequences of war, poverty, and oppression in Afghanistan may be disturbing to some viewers.
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Afghan mujahideen inspect a Kabul government plane after they seized Khost. Provincial control gave the Afghan mujahideen, Arabs enlisted by Al Qaeda, and Pakistani advisors valuable territory to establish base camps for training and resupply in Afghanistan.
An Afghan soldier hands a flag in solidarity to a departing Soviet soldier in Kabul on the first day of the army’s withdrawal from Afghanistan.
Afghans in the Babur Gardens perform the attan, a traditional Afghan folk dance.
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Afghan Uzbek fighters under control of Abdul Rashid Dostum fire on Hizb-i-Islami forces of Gulbuddin Hekmatyar in the southwest part of Kabul, during the mujahideen seizure of the city. The takeover of Kabul became a battle between mujahideen groups, divided along ethnic and geographic regions, attempting to seize control of key ministries.
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Two Afghans help a wounded civilian during a battle between rival factions in Kabul.
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Taliban soldiers fire a rocket at retreating forces of the Northern Alliance army north of Kabul. The capital fell to the Taliban on September 27, 1996. The Kabul government’s defenses collapsed with little resistance to the Taliban advance.
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A Taliban mullah speaks to a crowd gathered in central Kabul after Taliban forces took control from the Rabbani government.
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Mujahideen commander Ahmed Shah Massoud walks through a garden in Khoja Bahauddin, Takhar province, near the Tajikistan border. Massoud was assassinated by Arab AI Qaeda allies had 90 percent control of Afghanistan. Two days later, the 9/11 attacks took place.
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An Afghan shepherd in Chowkar Karez, Kandahar province shouts to his children to lead their flock of goats over to him. He stands by a wall bombed by U.S. aircraft. The death toll was 17 civilians, although local residents claim Al Qaeda or Taliban were not present during the air attacks. U.S. Army called the town a military target occupied by one of the groups.
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Pakistani Taliban captured outside of Kabul while fighting Northern Alliance troops. All were from Punjab province, trained at a religious center, and recruited by Jaish-i-Mohammad, a militant islamic group believed to be associated with Osama bin Laden.
Three wounded U.S. Army soldiers from the 10th Mountain Division await evacuation by helicopter from Kamdesh. They were ambushed and suffered wounds to their eyes and foreheads.
Afghan National Police stand at a Guard post in Qarabagh, Ghazni province. More than 40 of the 464 villages in Qarabagh district were controlled by the Taliban.
A valley in the Hindu Kush mountains, viewed from a U.S. Army helicopter.
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A contingent of American troops conclude their tour in Afghanistan and prepare to fly home from Bagram Air Base. Others arrive, wearing their helmets.
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Car and truck traffic back up near an intersection under the Pul-e-Sokhta bridge in western Kabul.
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A Kabul family flees its home during factional fighting between President Rabbani’s government forces and opposition Hezb0-i-Islami and Hezb-i-Wahdat fighters in western Kabul. The fighting marked a continuation of an operation in which hundreds of unarmed Hazaras were killed. The dispute for control of western Kabul involved Sunni militias against the Shia Hezb-i-Wahdat.
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A U.S. soldier shakes the hand of an Afghan youth outside the town of Jalrez in Wardak province. The hilltop overlooking apple orchards had fighting trenches, left of the soldier, built by Afghan mujahideen 25 years ago in their fight against Soviet forces.